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North Kitsap Parks and Recreation, 1985.  

Top down, left to right:

Patricia Alden, Ikkyu.  Michael, Ikkyu.  Jaan Sunderlin, Shodan.  Shihan Karl Geis.  John, Rokkyu.
Alan Schaffer, Ikkyu.  Tom Sheehy, Ikkyu.

Formal Sitting, 1990.  Olympic Martial Art Center.

Top down, left to right:

Jo Cantrell, Shodan.  John White, Sandan.
Jaan Sunderlin, Shidosha.  William Gregory, Shodan.

Student Body, 1991.  Olympic Martial Art Center.

Top down, left to right:

Jaan Sunderlin, Shidosha.  Brian Allsop, Shodan.  John Copeland, Shodan. Tom Ruiz, Sandan.  Tom Robison, Sandan.  Alan Griswold, Nidan.
Benjamin Duenas, Sankyu. Kathy, Sankyu.  Daniel Buchannan, Shikyu.  Jason Stacy, Gokyu. Gary ?   Tim Ulrich, Shikyu.  Rob Davis, Rokkyu.

Aikido Hike to Lake Lena, 1992.

Left to right:

Jaan Sunderlin, Shidosha.  Jo Cantrell.  Bob Bruneau.  Alan Griswold.  Kevin Griswold.  Brian Beebe.

Aikido action, 1995.  Center of Many Ways Building.

Left to right:

Fred McMullin, Ikkyu.  Jason Stacy, Nidan.

Aikido action, 1995.  Center of Many Ways Building.

Left to right:

Fred McMullin, Ikkyu.  Jason Stacy, Nidan.

Zantotsu Kai Kids Aikido Seminar, 1995.  Center of Many Ways Building.

Shidosha Jaan Sunderlin demonstrating with Sensei Chris Mills.

Certificate of Advancement Presentation.   Center of Many Ways Building.

Sensei Jason Stacy, presenting.  Kayt Baldwin, receiving.   Megan Armstrong in background.

Shidosha Jaan Sunderlin attending to a childs birthday party.  Center of Many Ways Building.

 Teachers relaxing in conversation, 1996.  Center of Many Ways Building.

Left to right:

Fred McMullin, Shodan.  Jason Stacy, Nidan.  Jerry Kellas, Shodan.

Shidosha Jaan Sunderlin surprised by camera after workout, 1997.  Center of Many Ways.

Shidosha Jaan Sunderlin during certificate presentation, 2000.  Sensei Mark Neibuhr's Dojo.

Kayt Sunderlin receiving.   Sensei Neibuhr onlooking.

Front row, left to right:  Sijer Harder (Nidan), Mark Neibuhr (Nidan), Max Satdler (Shodan-weapons certification), Terry Harder (Shodan), John Copeland (Shodan), Hunter Morrigan (Shodan, bottom photo)/Jaan Sunderlin (Shidosha, top photo).
Back Row, left to right: Shannon's daughter Kaitlyn, Shannon Rauch (Ikkyu), Donna Clayton (Gokyu), Larry Claton (Sankyu), Curtis Cameron (Ikkyu - recently advanced to Shodan), Lachlan Sunderlin (Rokkyu).

Click here for a view of the Schedule of classes, tuition and other costs.